Your health and wellbeing is vital and that’s why Direction for Bedfordshire has a dedicated section so that you can find what you need to help you stay healthy.
Our service will enable you to access healthcare services in your area, whether you need to find a local GP, dentist, get assisted living information, contact care specialists, find out about home care, health screening or to get advice on alcohol use, drug rehabilitation and mental health treatment.

0800 555 111
Fearless is a site where young people can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. What makes this site different is we also provide you with a safe place to give information to us about crime - 100% anonymously - you don't have to give any personal information.
Areas of Operation:

NHS Every Mind Matters
'Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. We have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.'
Areas of Operation:

Coronavirus Guidance
For advice on most recent Lockdown measures, what to do if you have symptoms and to book a test, visit the website
Areas of Operation:

NHS 111-Mental Health Crisis
111 Option 2
A 24/7 line, available to all. The service helps by providing immediate access to advice and guidance to those requiring mental health support. We are able to advise and direct you to the most appropriate service - If you feel as though you're in a mental health crisis or believe a friend or family member is then make that call.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

Active Luton
01582 256000
As a Community Wellbeing Trust, Active Luton’s mission is to make a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of its community, inspiring, motivating and offering opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to learn and take action to improve their life chances. Active Luton runs facilities and provides a wide range of high-quality programmes and activities.
Areas of Operation:

Anger Management
0345 1300 286
If you find that your anger is costing you far too much in relation to your family, career and health, then perhaps it's time you examine it by booking onto one of our anger management programmes in a location practical for you. We know you'll be amazed by just how much you'll learn.
Areas of Operation:

At A Loss

Bedford Counselling & Training
01234 219905
Open for new admissions- service currently being provided via telephone until September 2021. Email or call to find out more. Bedford Counselling & Training (BCaT) offer one to one counselling services and group therapy for adults over the age of 18. Our counsellors work within British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) ethical guidelines and they are all members of BACP or an alternative recognised professional organisation.
Areas of Operation:

Bedford Open Door
01234 360388 / 07922105200
Bedford Open Door is a charity providing FREE and confidential counselling to young people in Bedford and the surrounding areas. Counselling is provided by a team of fully trained, experienced and friendly volunteer counsellors. They are still offering services during this time and up to 12 weekly sessions of counselling either via telephone or online. To find out more or register for the service you can email, text or call
Areas of Operation:

Bedfordshire Talking Therapies
01234 880 400
Bedfordshire Talking Therapies is an NHS service offering a range of free and confidential talking therapies and tailored support for people who are experiencing anxiety and depression.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

Better Housing Better Health
0800 107 0044
The Better Housing Better Health (BHBH) service has been commissioned to help keep residents warm and well at home and reduce their energy bills. In a preventative approach to health and wellbeing the free to use helpline provides residents with a single point of contact for advice, grants and other local services in order to help improve the energy efficiency of their property. Residents who call the helpline can have their needs assessed over the phone and, where eligible, can be referred for: free impartial advice; energy bill discounts; grants and funding for energy efficiency measures such as insulation or new heating systems and access to other support services
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

0333 323 3880

Boxing Saves Lives
Boxing Saves Lives is a not for profit organisation created to show how boxing can be a way to prevent crime, poor mental health, loneliness and exclusion. We are dedicated to improving the lives of people of any age, creating a safe haven for those who want a new way to feel better and increase their self worth. Boxing Saves Lives are currently working with young people in Bedfordshire as a crime prevention strategy, that improves physical and mental health. It utilises the strengths of discipline, respect, integrity and self worth to empower young people to make positive life changing choices.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

British Red Cross – Supporting Indepedence
01234 341590 or 07802 431784
Available for residents of those age 18 and over living in Bedford Borough - This services aim is to support the independence and improve confidence in those affected by a long term physical health conditions, physical inactivity and social isolation. It promotes enabling them in reconnecting to their community. They can provide support to people in accessing local groups/services, build up their social networks to help maintain physical and emotional wellbeing and reduce experience of loneliness/social isolation and reliance on health services. Support is available through a number of means such as telephone support, help with practical and/or domestic tasks and arranging transport that may be required. This service can be provided for up to 12 weeks and referrals are accepted from any source.
Areas of Operation:

National charity providing sexual health services, education and advice for Young People
Areas of Operation:

0800 58 58 58
The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against male suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK. The webchat service is open between 5pm and midnight everyday.
Areas of Operation:

01582 457474
Welcome to Caraline. It is our mission to support individuals living with an eating disorder along with their family and friends, we have been doing this for 26 years.
Areas of Operation:

01525 863924
CHUMS currently delivers nine services across Luton & Bedfordshire, although not all are available in both areas. Supporting children and young people is at the heart of everything we do, and we are passionate about supporting as many children and young people as we can. We recognise that one size does not fit all which is one of the reasons why we have developed our unique service model.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

Combat Stress
0800 138 1619
We are Combat Stress, the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health. For a century, we’ve helped former servicemen and women with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The work we do is life-changing and often life-saving. No one else does what we do.
Areas of Operation:

Community Eating Disorder Service
01582 709066
The aim of the Community Eating Disorders Service (CEDS) is to work with service users whose problems are at the most serious or severe range of presenting concerns. In this sense we are a specialist service.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

Counselling Directory
0333 325 2500
The directory is a resource hub which enables individuals struggling with their emotional well-being to find a qualified and insured counsellor. Counselling Directory was set up by a team who know how difficult it can be to find the right support, and we’re passionate about connecting people to the support they deserve. We have a list of available counsellors located in Bedfordshire and also share free advice and guidance from counsellors through our expert articles. We also list counselling organisations and charities who offer free or low concession counselling. To ensure the professionalism of our website, all counsellors have provided us with their proof of membership with a professional body.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

Counselling Foundation
01234 346 077 / 01582 732450
The Counselling Foundation is a leading charity that has provided counselling and counsellor training for the better mental health of our communities in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire for over forty years.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

Cruse Bereavement Care- Bedfordshire
0300 200 4108
Cruse are still offering their services during this time- these are currently via telephone or online. Grief is a natural process, but it can be devastating. Cruse are here to support you or someone you know who's been affected through a difficult time.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton, National

ELFT- Triage, Assessment and Brief Intervention Team
01234 310465
'The TABI (Triage, Assessment and Brief Intervention) team offer assessment and brief intervention for people of working age (18-65 years) with mental health and social care needs living and registered with a GP in the borough of Bedford.' They are open Monday - Friday 9am-5pm
Areas of Operation:

ELFT – Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health and Wellbeing Services
01582 708999
Bedfordshire and Luton Mental Health and Wellbeing Services provide mental health services across Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton. We are commissioned by NHS Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes CCGs to provide the following services: * Improving Access to Psychological Services (IAPT) (Bedfordshire only) * Adult, older adult mental health and learning disability services * Adult rehabilitation and recovery services * Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. Our community services include Adult Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs), Older People’s CMHTs and Children’s and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) teams. Our inpatient service includes a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), Older Person’s Wards and Adult Admission Wards.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

Empowering Education
01582 203 725 / 07555 726 984
Empowering Education, established since 2010, began in a retail unit as an outreach project supporting women in the local areas of Luton to learn basic English and digital skills. We have since received an enormous amount of support from experienced educators, volunteers and so on. Empowering Education are a community based organisation aimed at supporting anyone who needs support in education and lifelong skills. They have set up various projects across UK supporting different projects, empowering local communities, local men, local women and local youths, making the difference to individuals. They offer digital skills, basic ESOL and tuition facilities, EU settlement and Windrush applications, and immigration advice. They also deliver mental health and physical workshops.
Areas of Operation:

Friends, Families and Travellers
01273 234 777
The only national charity that works on behalf of all Gypsies, Roma and Travellers regardless of ethnicity, culture or background. We seek to end racism and discrimination against Gypsies, Travellers and Roma and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life. We provide advice and consultancy, promote health and wellbeing, contribute to research and policy making, deliver training and much more.
Areas of Operation:

Green Light Community Food Workshops CIC
The aim of this project is to work with local teenagers, young mums and vulnerable people to introduce them to healthy food choices and the importance of food hygiene in relation to buying and preparing breakfast, lunches and snacks and main meals.
Areas of Operation:

Healthwatch Bedford Borough
01234 718 018
We are commissioned by Bedford Borough Council to be the local consumer champion for publicly funded health and social care. It delivers services which can be summarised as: Influencing – helping shape the planning of health and social care services, & Signposting – helping people access and make choices about care
Areas of Operation:

Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire
0300 303 8554
Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire is the local consumer champion promoting choice and influencing the provision of high quality health, social care and wellbeing services for all across Central Bedfordshire.
Areas of Operation:
Central Beds

Healthwatch Luton
01582 817060
Healthwatch Luton is an independent local consumer champion bringing together people’s views and experiences to improve health and social care. We provide effective information, advice and signposting for people to support their choices about health and social care services.
Areas of Operation:

01767 319505
Hear2Listen is a regional, non-profit organisation providing a range of professional services designed to increase the emotional wellbeing of young people, supporting them in overcoming barriers that prevent living healthy and fulfilling lives. Since 2012, we have worked with over 4,000 young people across Bedfordshire and have recently started delivering services in Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

0800 001 4455
Hullo is all about safe, relaxed, everyday conversation. We’re not a medical or mental health organisation, counselling service or helpline. But we work in partnership with other charities and can refer you to them if you’re in need of specialist help and advice. Our phone lines are open every day from 9am to 9pm. You can chat with us as often as you like for as much as twenty minutes each time.
Areas of Operation:

iCASH Bedfordshire
0300 300 3030 Option 4
Integrated Contraception and Sexual Health services. The service is free, confidential and non-judgemental. Located at Dunstable Priory and Kings Brook Bedford. Face to face clinics are currently suspended. Telephone for information and advice
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds

Impact Mental Health Peer Support
01582 797596
Impact hold two different courses to support people with their mental health issues, the YOU programme and YOUR recovery pathways programme are both are available to residents in Bedford and Central Beds and are available free of charge.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds

Keech Hospice Bereavement Support
01582 492339
We continue to support the whole family after death too, for as long as you need us. We offer pre-bereavement support to help every family, including children, come to terms with death - making the difference when it matters the most.
Areas of Operation:

Love for the Family includes Love Baby Essentials
Love For The Family provides a free, confidential and impartial listening and advice service for women, men and families experiencing an unplanned pregnancy or crisis during their pregnancy. Our trained advisers will help you think through your options in a calm unbiased way. Love Baby Essentials loans clothing and equipment to women and families who find themselves facing financial hardship due to a pregnancy and for the first year of a child’s life. It also signposts to help and support.
Areas of Operation:

Luton Community Food Hub
The Luton Community Food Hub is a resource to help the residents of Luton to find services in the area that support those facing hunger and food poverty and to support healthier eating.
Areas of Operation:

Luton Sexual Health
01582 497070
Located on 2nd Floor of Arndale House delivering sexual health advice, testing for sexually transmitted infections (STI), assessment of symptoms, treatment for STIs and other genital conditions, full range of contraceptive options including condoms and signing up to the condom card scheme
Areas of Operation:

MIND – Bedfordshire
0300 330 0648
Mind BLMK is the leading independent, sustainable and highly effective organisation that is making a difference to the mental health and wellbeing of people in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. We do this by offering a wide range of services and products which are competitively tailored to meet the needs of local people
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

MindLine Trans+
0300 330 5468
MindLine Trans+ is a confidential emotional, mental health support helpline for people who identify as Transgender, Agender, Gender Fluid, Non-binary. We are also here to support family members and friends and to provide signposting to other services and resources. This is a national helpline so anyone in the UK can access this support.
Areas of Operation:

0808 801 0331
NAPAC offers support to adult survivors of all types of childhood abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional abuse or neglect. They offer a support helpline and also support groups for adult survivors.
Areas of Operation:

National AIDS Trust
020 7814 6767
NAT (National AIDS Trust) is dedicated to transforming the UK's response to HIV. We champion the rights of people living with HIV and campaign for change—shaping attitudes, challenging injustice, and changing lives. Have a look at their website if you have any concerns about HIV and Aids.
Areas of Operation:

National Self Harm Network (NSHN)
The aims of this forum are to: Support individuals who self harm to reduce emotional distress and improve their quality of life Support and provide information for family and carers of individuals who self harm Raise awareness of the needs of people who self harm, dispel myths and combat discrimination Empower and enable those that self harm to seek alternatives to self harm and further help where appropriate
Areas of Operation:

0800 068 41 41
PAPYRUS is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. We provide confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through our helpline, HOPELINEUK. This includes anyone under the age of 35 experiencing thoughts of suicide, or anyone concerned about a young person who may be thinking about suicide.
Areas of Operation:

Parenting Mental Health
At Parenting Mental Health, we understand the enormous challenge of parenting a child with a mental health issue and the essential role parents play in supporting their child through this uncertain experience. We see the impact parents can have on their family's emotional wellbeing and the impact their family's emotional wellbeing can have on parents. We know that when a parent is supported, it's more likely their child will be too. Our work supports, skills and empowers parents through our 24/7 digital peer community, emotional support services, events and training courses so they can be present, patient and prepared.
Areas of Operation:

Putnoe Medical Centre
01234 319992 / 01234 319994
93 Queens Drive, Putnoe, Bedford, MK41 9JE Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 2:00 pm Sat, Sun & Bank Holidays: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm The Walk-In Centre is open daily to all NHS patients 365 days a year. This facility is open to anyone who needs urgent medical care for minor illness or injuries. Routine prescriptions cannot be provided.
Areas of Operation:

0800 917 7299
Founded in 1885 and operating across the UK, we have the specialist knowledge and understanding to bridge the gap between military life and civilian employment. We exist to provide life-long, life-changing support, jobs and training opportunities to service leavers and veterans irrespective of circumstances, rank, length of service, or reason for leaving.
Areas of Operation:

Online counselling and well-being for adults. Monday – Friday 12pm – 10pm / Saturday – Sunday6pm – 10pm
Areas of Operation:

Recovery College
01234 263621
The college is open to any adults who live or work in Bedfordshire and Luton. Our courses and workshops focus on mental health wellbeing and recovery. They are delivered by people with lived experience and professional experience. All the courses and workshops are free and they are currently running a prospectus for May to August 2019 for adults with mental health needs. The team are available to have a phone conversation with service users to discuss what suitable programmes are on offer.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

116 123
We're working together to make sure fewer people die by suicide. Every six seconds, we respond to a call for help. No judgement. No pressure. We're here for anyone who needs someone. In addition to the services we provide, an important part of our work is understanding and challenging the social elements that impact suicide.
Areas of Operation:

020 3805 1790
SANE is a UK-wide charity working to improve quality of life for people affected by mental illness. SANE offers emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental health problems through our helpline and email services and our online Support Forum where people share their feelings and experiences. The personalised service of Textcare provides emotional support and connection at the times you need it most with bespoke one-way messages directly to your mobile phone.
Areas of Operation:

Text; 85258
Free, confidential 24/7 mental health text support - If you are anxious, worried, stressed, feeling low or struggling to cope and need support then you can text to make contact at anytime
Areas of Operation:

01582 674442
Sorted offers a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL counselling service for young people aged between 10 and 25 years, based in Dunstable.
Areas of Operation:
Central Beds

0800 731 4880
SSAFA helps the armed forces community in a number of ways, though our focus is on providing direct support to individuals in need of physical or emotional care. Addiction, relationship breakdown, debt, homelessness, post-traumatic stress, depression and disability are all issues that can affect our members of our Armed Forces community. Many of these problems only become apparent when an individual has to leave their life in the Forces and join ‘Civvy Street’. SSAFA is committed to helping our brave men and women overcome these problems, and rebuild their lives.
Areas of Operation:

We have a UK-wide independent network of suitably qualified and experienced professionals who are willing and trained to work with potential sex offenders, sex offenders and their families. These professionals are supervised and include psychologists, psychotherapists and doctors. We believe prevention is better than cure, so StopSO provides specialist therapy across the UK to sex offenders and those who have yet to act on their ‘troubling thoughts’. We also work with families, helping them come to terms with being related to a sex offender.
Areas of Operation:

Stronger Families Luton
01582 548231
Stronger Families is the Luton programme for the National Troubled Families initiative. Through a Family Partner, it is a gateway to a range of additional support tailored to the needs of the family. The aim of the programme is to help families achieve significant and sustained progress in overcoming their difficulties.
Areas of Operation:

Our vision is that people bereaved suddenly get help at a time of darkness to move to a brighter day. We help when someone has died suddenly, or too soon in their life due to medical reasons, injury or suicide. Our role is to help people during the first ten weeks following a sudden bereavement. You can call us from day one, onwards. We also help communities and professionals to help suddenly bereaved people, better.
Areas of Operation:

Terence Higgins Trust
0808 802 1221
We're the UK's leading HIV and sexual health charity. We support people living with HIV and amplify their voices, and help the people using our services to achieve good sexual health.
Areas of Operation:

01708 765200
We offer confidential emotional support to children, young adults and adults by telephone, email and post. We work with callers to develop healthy, positive coping strategies, an inner feeling of strength and increased self esteem to encourage healing, recovery and moving forward with life. We also keep details of counsellors, agencies and support groups throughout the UK.
Areas of Operation:

The Disability Resource Centre
01582 470 900
We are here for people affected by disability or with a long term health condition; carers, friends and professionals too.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

The Ebonista Project
07306 088816
The Ebonista Project is based in Luton and offers emotional and practical support to women and children who have been subjected to domestic abuse. There is a strong focus on reaching women from the Black African and Caribbean community who may have experienced barriers accessing support due to systemic racism and a lack of cultural understanding in our society. The organisation is led by a team of Black women who have both lived and professional experience. They run a variety of group programmes to educate, raise awareness and empower women who have faced such trauma. The dedicated helpline is accessible Mon-Fri 10am-6pm.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

The Enable Project
The Enable Project is a groundbreaking initiative which promotes real inclusion for people with learning disabilities, Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and mental health conditions. We provide safe and friendly support as participants of all ages take part in daily activities to develop their skills and confidence.
Areas of Operation:

The Hepatitis C Trust
020 7089 6221
The Hepatitis C Trust is the national UK charity for hepatitis C with offices in London and Falkirk. It has been operating since 2001. It is a patient-led and patient-run organisation: most of our board, staff, and volunteers have had hepatitis C and have cleared it after treatment.
Areas of Operation:

The Ollie Foundation
07715 311891
OLLIE is a charity dedicated to delivering suicide awareness, intervention and prevention training by empowering professionals and young adults in their own communities to lead suicide prevention activities. It is widely accepted in society that with appropriate support and education, suicide can be prevented.
Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

Total Wellbeing Luton
0300 555 4152
Total Wellbeing supports people living in Luton who want to improve their physical and emotional health.
Areas of Operation:

Town Centre Surgery Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC)
01582 709290
Town Centre GP Surgery, 14-16 Chapel Street, Luton, Beds, LU1 2SE Open every day 8am – 8pm, patients are taken by appointment from 6pm each evening
Areas of Operation:

Service in Luton for all men aged 18+, supporting men with a variety of mental health issues.
A men's support group convenes every other Tuesday to provide a safe and empathetic space for men to share their experiences, challenges, and emotions.
Qualified Men's Therapist: A 30-minute drop-in session with a qualified men's therapist offers men a convenient and confidential opportunity to discuss their concerns and seek guidance in an informal setting. These brief but impactful sessions can provide valuable insights and support for men dealing with a range of emotional and psychological issues.
Areas of Operation:

Youth Inspired
01234 480980
A community organisation enabling people with Learning Difficulties, Disabilities or Mental Health conditions to progress and achieve through training and support.
Areas of Operation: