
Direction for Bedfordshire understands how stressful maintaining or finding a home can be if you have a criminal conviction.

If you are homeless or looking for support to find accommodation for yourself or someone you know, we can help you find a place to call home by putting you in touch with advisors and organisations that have the information you need about funding for an affordable home.

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0800 555 111

Fearless is a site where young people can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality. What makes this site different is we also provide you with a safe place to give information to us about crime - 100% anonymously - you don't have to give any personal information.

Areas of Operation:

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Amicus Trust

Amicus Trust

​01234 358478

Amicus Trust believes in ensuring everyone has a life free from homelessness and a place in their community. We offer supported accommodation, a mobile night shelter during cold weather and support homeless adults with their mental health, and in achieving their work and educational goals.

Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

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Asylum Support

Asylum Support

You may be able to get housing and money to support you and your family while you’re waiting to find out if you’ll be given asylum. This also means your children will go to a free state school and you may get free healthcare from the National Health Service (NHS). You can still apply for short-term support if you’ve been refused asylum and are preparing to leave the UK. You can apply direct to the government using this link below, or seek advice from Migrant Help UK.

Areas of Operation:

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BBC Housing

BBC Housing

01234 718058

If you need to find a new home we can give you advice on subjects such as: How to apply for Social Housing, How to find Private Rented housing, How to apply for supported accommodation and Low cost home ownership options.

Areas of Operation:

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Bedford Homeless Partnership

Bedford Homeless Partnership

The issue of homelessness is often hidden, and when someone encounters it they don’t always know who to turn to for help. The vision of the Bedford Homeless Database is to provide a free resource for members of the public and professionals alike, to be able to find the excellent services and passionate people who can help the homeless in Bedford in times of crisis.

Areas of Operation:

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​0330 100 0272

​BPHA is a Housing Association committed to providing its customers with high quality, value for money services whilst continuing to develop energy efficient, sustainable and affordable housing. We are a leading provider and developer of affordable homes – for rent, sheltered, residential care and shared ownership.

Areas of Operation:

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0300 500 6262

Previously Aldwyck Housing Group which covered the Home Counties, Catalyst offer a range of housing to suit most requirements. We offer affordable homes to rent or buy, we have a number of supported living schemes across Bedfordshire and we provide accommodation and support services for young people in housing need, as well as homes and services for older people.

Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

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CBC Housing

If you need to find a new home in Central Bedfordshire we can give you advice on subjects such as: How to apply for Social Housing, how to find Private Rented housing, how to apply for supported accommodation and low cost home ownership options.

Areas of Operation:
Central Beds

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Emmaus Village Carlton

Emmaus Village Carlton

01234 720826

A homelessness charity based in North Bedfordshire offering active support to formerly homeless people. We provide what we think of as a real workable alternative to homelessness, offering people a home, as well as meaningful work in our social enterprise.

Areas of Operation:

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JustUs was set up specifically to advocate for people in Bedford when they’re homeless to access the statutory support they are eligible for.

Areas of Operation:

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Keystage Housing

Keystage Housing

03300 945 954

A non-profit provider of supported housing for people with Learning Disabilities, Mental Health Conditions, Autism and Complex Needs as well as Ex-Offenders and the Homeless. There is a range of housing options, working in partnership with Local Authorities, Care Providers, Private Landlords and other Housing Associations.

Areas of Operation:

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King’s Arms Project

King’s Arms Project

01234 350900

The King's Arms Project, Bedford believe that there is no such thing as a hopeless case. We refuse to give up on anybody and believe that every homeless person can have a bright future. We deliver services to empower people on their journey out of homelessness. We provide outreach, accommodation and opportunity all specifically developed to help people out of poverty. Offering a Prison Leavers Service, we can provide support to Bedford clients in custody and continue this once an individual is through the gate. We will act as a support and an advocate for clients through meetings such as with probation, the job centre, pathways to recovery and housing.

Areas of Operation:

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Langley House Trust

Langley House Trust

01234 345824

Langley House Trust is an innovative Christian charity, providing housing and offender rehabilitation services across England. The Bedford Project provides housing and tenancy services for men with multiple needs in Bedford and the surrounding area, and has community accommodation in both Bedford and Luton.

Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

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LBC Housing

LBC Housing

01582 510370

If you need to find a new home we can give you advice on subjects such as: How to apply for Social Housing, How to find Private Rented housing, How to apply for supported accommodation and Low cost home ownership options.

Areas of Operation:

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Luton Law Centre

Luton Law Centre

01582 481000

Luton Law Centre is a not-for-profit legal practice which gives professional, confidential legal advice and assistance. We use our legal expertise to make sure everyone has access to justice. We help people get the support they are entitled to, or get redress for unfair or wrong decisions. Services include EU Settled Status, Immigration and Asylum, Windrush Scheme, Housing and Homelessness, and Community Care.

Areas of Operation:

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Luton Roma Trust

Luton Roma Trust

01582 510709

The Luton Roma Trust supports the Roma community to integrate in a holistic way into life in the UK. Working at the heart of Luton’s Roma community, we meet them in their deepest need, helping them to access accommodation, education, welfare, medical care and employment.

Areas of Operation:

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Mary Seacole Housing Association

Mary Seacole Housing Association

01582 415651

The Association provides value for money, quality supported accommodation to young single homeless people, enabling them to develop the skills needed to move from a state of dependence to that of independence.

Areas of Operation:

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07528 970826

We are a national social justice charity with more than 50 years’ experience of changing lives, building stronger communities and reducing crime. We house, we educate, we support, we advise, and we speak out for and with disadvantaged young people and adults. We help people to overcome barriers presented by their criminal records and to move on from previous mistakes.

Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

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National Homelessness Advice Service

National Homelessness Advice Service

0300 330 0517

We provide specialist advice on housing, housing debt and welfare benefit issues to professionals help you support your clients. You can call us on the local rate number 0300 330 0517, between 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday, or you can speak to an adviser via webchat by clicking the 'chat with us here' button located at the top of each page on this website.

Areas of Operation:

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NOAH Enterprise

NOAH Enterprise

01582 728416

NOAH Enterprise is a charity which seeks, out of Christian conviction, to help the most disadvantaged in the local community. Particularly, it is concerned with providing a practical, empowering and caring service to people who are homeless, temporary or entrenched rough sleepers, and those who are marginalised and socially excluded, or have simply fallen into poverty. They also provide skills and employment training to people across Bedfordshire.

Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

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One Housing (One Support)

One Housing (One Support)

01234 215040 / 0300 123 9050

One Housing are a housing association and a not for profit organisation with a strong social purpose. They can offer floating Tenancy support, general housing advice & support, DWP and Housing benefit claims, follow ups and renewals and signposting and referral to specialist agencies to those age 16 and over in living in Bedford Borough. We believe in creating places that people can call home, supporting people to live well and building lasting homes and communities

Areas of Operation:

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01582 343 230

Support commences with a clearly defined referral pathway and continues with self-determined support planning and risk assessing which includes positive risk taking. Resettlement is discussed from the start of intervention as it is the ultimate goal for most. Penrose staff work in partnership with statutory and local community agencies.

Areas of Operation:

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01234 328100

Helping migrants settle, achieve and contribute. Our organisation was formally set up in 2007 and offers services that aim to empower and encourage individuals to become independent, allowing them to take ownership of their issues, understand their rights and the systems that govern the communities in which they live. All our services are free of charge to our clients, delivered mostly by multilingual volunteers, advisors and teachers giving people somewhere to go and speak in their own language, express their concerns and to be listened to. Our holistic approach means anyone who turns to us for help should be confident that they will receive support.

Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

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Prisoners Abroad

Prisoners Abroad

0808 172 0098

Prisoners Abroad not only help those that are imprisoned in other countries including their families, but also those who return to the UK having been released. The Resettlement Service provides a range of advice and support once people have been returned to the UK, helping with access to accommodation, access to benefits as well as many other things that you will need to consider when returning from a period abroad.

Areas of Operation:

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0808 800 4444

Shelter helps millions of people every year struggling with bad housing or homelessness through our advice, support and legal services. And we campaign to make sure that one day, no one will have to turn to us for help. We’re here so no one has to fight bad housing or homelessness on their own.

Areas of Operation:

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01582 722629

Signposts have been dedicated to helping the homeless in Luton and Dunstable to start over for more than 25 years. We provide temporary accommodation and support services in preparation for independent living.

Areas of Operation:

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01234 365955

SMART CJS provides facilities, support, compassion and guidance to those who are homeless and rough sleeping. They aim to provide support so as to prevent further homelessness. They are currently running services from a hotel location and unfortunately the day centre is no longer able to operate at this time, due to COVID restrictions however they are still able to support those affected by homelessness in accessing vital services.

Areas of Operation:

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01582 391053

Squared – formerly Luton Community Housing. We provide homes for independent living and homes with support in Luton and Central Bedfordshire. To complement this work, we also run a lettings service for private landlords; a social enterprise inspired cleaning and gardening service; a Lottery-funded cognitive behaviour therapy service called Open Minds for residents of partner organisations and an employee excellence focused HR consultancy - People Excellence.

Areas of Operation:
Central Beds, Luton

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0300 500 0914

StreetLink exists to help end rough sleeping by enabling members of the public to connect people sleeping rough with the local services that can support them. If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough in England or Wales, you can use this website to send an alert to StreetLink. You can also make contact through the 'StreetLink' mobile app which can be found for free on the App Store.

Areas of Operation:

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Street Support Luton

Street Support Luton


Connecting people and organisations locally, to tackle homelessness in Luton. Luton Homeless Partnership believe we can significantly improve services for people affected by homelessness in Luton, by working together in better partnerships.

Areas of Operation:

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Veterans Aid

Veterans Aid

0800 012 6867

Veterans Aid provides immediate, practical support to all ex-servicemen and women who have served in HM Armed Forces who are homeless, facing homelessness or in crisis. They support people with a variety of needs including accommodation, preventing homelessness, access to employment and training, detox/rehab and mental health.

Areas of Operation:

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YMCA Bedfordshire

YMCA Bedfordshire

​01234 307040

Supported housing units. All residents are allocated a Project Worker who helps them work towards goals they set themselves. Residents must be willing to/and actively engage in work, training or employment during their stay. All residents must commit to at least 10hours per week employment, education or training.

Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Luton

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IMPAKT Domestic Abuse Resettlement Team (DART)

IMPAKT Domestic Abuse Resettlement Team (DART)

01234 264109

The DART Project started in 2018, supporting women, men, and families escaping domestic abuse to find either temporary or long-term safe housing solutions. This may involve providing support to remain in their home or to move away, either in or out of the county. This service is available across Bedfordshire.

Areas of Operation:
Bedford, Central Beds, Luton

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YMCA Central

YMCA Central

0845 141007

​The Central Bedfordshire refuges provide 22 self-contained flats across 2 services. In addition to the Support Coordinators and Support Staff we have a Children’s worker and Family Learning Coordinator who provides additional support to all children and service users in the refuge.

Areas of Operation:
Central Beds

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