Direction for Bedfordshire has been created and developed in association with YouTurnFutures which is an independent charity launched in 2014 in response to the government’s Transforming Rehabilitation agenda. The contact information and web-links to services on this website have been provided by YouTurnFutures: Site by Mike Smith
Direction aims to help you improve your quality of life if you’ve been affected by drugs, alcohol and gambling.
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Cyber crime can seem like an abstract phenomenon until you are affected by it. Direction for Bedfordshire recognise the evolving abilities of the internet and how easy it is to use your technical skills in a negative way.
Direction for Bedfordshire can offer practical and emotional support to you as a family member or friend of an offender.
Direction for Bedfordshire can introduce you to a collection of funders in your area who can help with individual financial advice and support.
Gangs and Exploitation is an increasingly prevalent issue which enables a whole host of criminality.
Your health and wellbeing is vital and that’s why Direction for Bedfordshire has a dedicated section so that you can find what you need to help you stay healthy.
Direction for Bedfordshire understands how stressful maintaining or finding a home can be if you have a criminal conviction.
We know that finding a job is not always easy for someone with a criminal conviction, with obstacles and stigma attached – even long after the sentence has been served.
Direction aims to improve the quality of life for women and their families in the community particularly.
Young people can be susceptible to a number of issues and pressures in their lives, and it is vital that services are within their reach.